There is a way to set up a note so that is appears as a Page in the navigation section of the blog, and which displays all posts containing a particular tag. A container page if you like.

(View this post for an explanation of the difference between pages and posts)

Type in code similar to this in the note title in Evernote:

The text after '/tag/' is the tag you wish to include (ie all the posts using that tag), and the text just before the end ', is the title of the page. Check the Tag Cloud on your blog to ensure the wording is correct.

IMPORTANT The tag must be exactly the same - without the # symbol - as shown in the Tag Cloud otherwise it will not work. For example, "How-To" is not the same as "how-to".

The class (class="hdr-nav") can be removed unless you need something similar. I use it to make the page links stand out on the blog.

Note that you only put this text in the title of the note. Anything in the body of the note will be ignored.

Tag this note as 'Page' and 'published', and sync.

Example result:

The container page looks like this:

Note the "how-to" in the title line. displays two word tags with a hyphen, so this would be "how-to". Check the Tag Cloud to see how your tags are displayed.

The posts that will display under this container page look like this:

Note the "How To" tag.
